Monday, July 31, 2006

What Next

I think this week is going to be one of those qquiet weeks in the art world.


aka ‘the ORACLE” in the circuits of mayhems mind – did a general speculative whimsical feature of contribution based on WHAT NEXT.

It’s not that great reading – but it indicates that this soft weathered midwinter week – is a good one for toenail picking

Mori has an art auction for some bunch of shacks in royal national park and ELIZABETH GROSZ is giving a free excerpt of her MCA costly conference paper from earlier in the year, and kookey is being relaunched on Friday, and some boys in newtown have got a squat party on saturday night……

But in a week where even the legendary SQUATFEST film and culture jam spectacular has taken itself off to Adelaide – its probably a sign that not much is happening in the art world.

Well there’s the biennale. Still going on. Think the tin sheds has somefink opening up soon. And maybe artspace have got that mechanical machine room working again.

And you can check out the extreme sports dim-lit anorexia perv factor of Bill Henson at the OX

Mayhem outdid herself in managing to miss a whole heap of stuff happening last week.

Ghihglihgt was being completely UNABLE to locate the Knot gallery ‘café on the side’ which is apparently on the corner of Albion Avenue and Selwyn street in paddo – but post beer mayhem decided to wander up and down Albion Street in surry for a few hours before piking and drowning sorrows and brain cells at the hollywood.

However – I did managed to see some art. Which included a fetching long spikey vury object at GAFFA.

Vices and Devices was just the sort of girly gothfest spectacular that ain’t really mayhems cup of expresso – but you gotta admire fine workpersonship – and Armonious had it in spades.

Artbargain of the week – is the exquisitely welded bird claw/metal spike which for a hundred bucks has gotta be the best nose picking object d’art in the history of the universe.

Mayhem got dragged up the road past that bargain arthire space called BLANK for one of the best free noshups since the archies opening – and some rather brightly coloured landscape photos…….. which weren’t very interesting at all so I should stop writing aobut them

Apologies for lite content of pitch this week.

Next week – EVERY THING is happening, opening or closing. (again).

1 comment:

lucazoid said...

also check out matt tumbers film screening at officialsydney:
on friday night...